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interfere with the completion of any safety-related tasks, EASA issued this SIB to draw the aviation community’s attention to information and guidelines provided by EASA, WHO, EMA, ECDC and ICAO on aircrew vaccination. Recommendation(s): EASA recommends the following: 1. EASA_SIB_2020_14.pdf (558 kb) For help on using this tool, please refer to the help section For any inquiry regarding ADs, please contact the EASA AD team This SIB revises EASA SIB 2018-10 dated 19 July 2018. Correction: Not applicable Supersedure: None Publication(s) and related information: Joint Inspection Group (JIG) Bulletin 105 - Filter Monitors, dated 11 December 2017. EASA SIB 2017-11, Global Aircraft De-icing Standards EASA har publicerat en SIB om pågående harmonisering när det gäller avisning av luftfartyg och som ersätter de tidigare AEA-rekommendationerna för avisning och träning inom området.

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An EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) is an information tool that intends to alert, inform and draw the attention of the aviation community on safety issues. SIBs contain non-mandatory information and guidance that do not qualify for an Airworthiness Directive (AD). EASA SIB 2015-19 Transport of Lithium Batteries as Cargo by Air EASA har publicerat en ny SIB för flygtransport av litiumbatterier som frakt. I dagsläget är det enligt Technical Instructions förbjudet att transportera litiummetallbatterier (UN 3090) som frakt på passagerarluftfartyg. EASA har publicerat en SIB gällande GPS Week Rollover som sker 2019-04-06 23:59:42 UTC. GPS-systemet bygger på utsändning av en signal från GPS-satelliterna tillsammans med information om tidpunkten när signalen skickades iväg. EASA SIB 2018-02, Runway Surface Condition Reporting. 2018-01-19.

Feb 1, 2018 The previously mandatory transponder maintenance AD no longer applies. EASA now publishes Safety. Information Bulletin SIB No.: 2011-15R2  Mar 27, 2015 EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB No.: 2015-04 Issued: 27 March 2015.

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Recommendations are not mandatory. EASA Form 117 Page 2/2 Further additional changes have been incorporated in order to improve the quality of the document. IMPORTANT: Use of unleaded Avgas UL 91 in engines that have not been approved EASA SIB No: 2009-33 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.

Easa sib

EASA SIB 2017-11, Global Aircraft De-icing Standards

Easa sib

Confirm revision status through the EASA-Internet/Intranet. EASA Safety Information Bulletin SIB No.: 2013-05 Issued: 23 April 2013 Subject: Manual Flight Training and Operations Ref. Publications: EASA SIB 2010-33 on Automation Policy EASA SIB 2013-02 on Stall and Stick Pusher Training EASA has issued this SIB, providing recommendations to the NAAs and Aircraft and Aerodrome operators in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 (see Note 1 of this SIB). Note 1: On 12 February 2020, the novel coronavirus was renamed “severe acute respiratory Description: The recommendations in this revised EASA SIB are based on the progress that has been made in reviewing and discussing the volcanic ash airspace contamination threat with the EASA SIB No: 2009-33 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.

EASA_SIB_2018-04_1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. EASA_SIB_2018-04_1 EASA SIB nr 2018-18R1 - Dynamic Rollout during Hoisting and/or External Sling Load Operations 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-12 - Post de-icing/anti-icing checks 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-11 - Engine Fire Extinguishing -Wire Chafing in Pylon 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-10 -Super Absorbant Polymers (SAP) Contamination of Jet Fuel 2021-03-26 · Released on March 25, the EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB 2021-06) outlines recommended vaccine waiting periods for operators, aeromedical centers, aeromedical examiners (AME), aircrew, and An EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) is an information tool that intends to alert, inform and draw the attention of the aviation community on safety issues.
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1. FAA. Aviation Safety.

EASA_SIB_2018-04_1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. EASA_SIB_2018-04_1 EASA SIB nr 2018-18R1 - Dynamic Rollout during Hoisting and/or External Sling Load Operations 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-12 - Post de-icing/anti-icing checks 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-11 - Engine Fire Extinguishing -Wire Chafing in Pylon 07.09.2018: EASA SIB nr 2018-10 -Super Absorbant Polymers (SAP) Contamination of Jet Fuel 2021-03-26 · Released on March 25, the EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB 2021-06) outlines recommended vaccine waiting periods for operators, aeromedical centers, aeromedical examiners (AME), aircrew, and An EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) is an information tool that intends to alert, inform and draw the attention of the aviation community on safety issues.
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- EASA SIB 2011-11 dated 25 May 2011. - Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (German Civil Aviation Authority), Lufttüchtigkeitsanweisung (LTA – Airworthiness Directive) 1993-001/3 and LTA 1994-001/2, both dated 09 April 1998. - EASA SIB 2012-04 dated 15 March 2012.

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EASA SIB angående transport av lithiumbatterier

Recommendations are not mandatory. EASA Form 117 Page 2/2 (b) An operator shall establish a check-list system to be used by crew members for all phases of operation of the aeroplane under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions as applicable, to ensure that the EASA SIB 2017-01, Safety Precautions regarding the Transport by Air of Damaged, Defective or Recalled Lithium Batteries EASA har dragit tillbaka SIB 2016-14R1 som fokuserar på Samsung Galaxy Note 7 och ersätter denna med allmänna rekommendationer när det gäller PED och telefoner. EASA SIB No: 2010-31 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory.